Sunday, November 30, 2008
before i off to chiangmai
9:11:00 AM
yes yes me going to this unrest place soon. lol. please whoever creates the mess get the hell out of chiangmai please. i miss thai food thai massage and thai shopping spree. =(
met my bestie miss teo and miss wee already! still missing out miss ong. stupid mmu system. and u know what! it's always nice hanging out with those 8 li nai members just by gather together and talk crap/cock. =D hearts.
umm as usual, im writing here cuz im confused. HAHA. anyway im so used to me myself living in confusion and yet i see no sign of changing or improving haha. oh well im always slow in picking up who cares.
WAIT! now is monsoon and it's been pouring heaps and my mood has been fluctuating with the weather =( and i have insomnia what the? for the past 2 days. not good not good.
but maybe i can set my mind free soon =) and i hope im not making the wrong decision 'AGAIN' this time. GG
just when i finally muster the courage to do something, i realized i do not even know what i wanted to do. Doctor la konon. =.= havent done much since i got back, lazing around doing housechores that james tan will never do! and spending most of my time with my folks. hmmm! but mummy sumtimes obviously sayang koko more than me lo! He's so spoilt already can! HMMPH!
I finished watching 'moonlight resonance' LOL! and jia,min and me came up with a new family network picture.
i will ask if jia can make a new poster by replacing the current cast with new ones. lol stay tuned. (i die die wanna become dr. yu)
just a short update without photos! soon soon kayy =) hugs hugs. hopefully my next post will be up after my chiangmai trip if i survive it. i dont wanna die T.T
can anyone bring me to boston? "
Oh dear you look so lost, eyes are red and tears are shed,
This world you must've crossed " "When flowers gaze at you... they're not the only ones who cry
When they see you"
what say you?
Thursday, November 20, 2008
12:01:00 AM
No, I'm not here to show off my temporary 3 months freedom after Sarah hehe.
Instead, I have a sad news.. I have been intoxicated by..
The story starts with me and friends went to Carousel to watch whatever movies available because we bought some hoyts movie coupon eons ago which will expire this month haha how smart of us.
I chose 007 movie simply because there aren't any other nice movies available in that cinema! They don't even have Madagascar 2 hng! Sigh land down under what can I expect right.
The movie started at 2 so we starving little kids decided to have our lunch first, at the food court, starving poor little tasteless kids we are hahaha.
I ordered a bowl of tomyam mee soup from a chinese food vendor while others got themselves laksa and beef noodles and stuff. I almost starved to death by the time the food came and thank god it was delicious! I ate every single piece of meat/seafood and drank the soup until I realised there's something at the bottom of the bowl...
IT WAS A BIG ROUND PLASTIC CONTAINER LID! sinking deep down in my yummilicious tomyam soup.
Mind you, the soup was very hot when I first got it. Imagine the chemicals on the surface of the plastic lid degraded or melted due to the high temperature and diffused into the soup and happily drunk by me. And then rapidly digested and absorbed into my blood circulation and towards my brain and makes me even more stupid hmm.
I didn't realise its existence as the bowl is big and deep and I was damn hungry I just kept eating without stirling it at all. Ahhh my body is weak enough already why you still do this to me? T___T
I brought the bowl back to the stall and showed to the gal. Haha her expression is
priceless, she immediately took back the bowl and offered some other food to compensate my 'health loss'. She wanted to get me some vege popiahs which do not look appealing at all so I chose vanila coke instead. But that will not, ever, able to reverse the damage done on my body. I know it's hard to visualise the hidden plastic lid in tomyam soup but too bad I FORGOT TO TAKE PHOTO OF IT!
I shall not reveal the stall name so that any perthite reading this will have to worry and choose carefully if s/he wants to have meal there muahahahaha *evil smile* Actually it was my friend who asked me not to do so as the gal-in-charge had apologized and gave me some compensation.
Anyway Quantum of Solace is just.. plain, it's not really bad but it's definitely not the best James Bond movie. I almost fall asleep in the cinema, the only thing I find interesting is how Daniel Craig sorta hinted another female agent, who was supposed to escort him back to London, to make out with him.
They just went into a hotel suite, then our Mr.Bond said, "I can't seem to find my stationary" (or something like that), took off his suit and then the lady smiled paiseh-ly and suddenly the scene changed to they two naked on the bed. What the.. that was really incredibly random! hahaha
I know most of you must have watched it already but still I wanna jote down this coz this is too classic man!! hahaha
Ohh Sarah just texted me, out of a sudden, so no french kisses offered anymore lol. bleh.
Good night people! Finally I can have some good night deep sleep ahhhh =))
Labels: 1+, FuNfUnfuNFUnfUN, hilarioussie, lalala-ish random
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Wednesday, November 12, 2008
3:46:00 PM
Hey there people!
Sarah's free now, free to go for a drink, for a shopping spree, for an outing, for movies, for goooood food and the list goes on and on and on and on..
it's all beyond words now! =D Umm, well, i have tried my best and i will leave the rest on God's hand. God bless me bless me bless me!
Okay,update update! and u know what? ginger coke on my left, music played on my laptop loud and clear, sitting in front of my laptop comfortably in my pyjamas, room temperature about 21 degree celcius, updating my blog. Yes. I deserve a break like this after 8 months of agony.
Kristian asked " now you feel more like Sarah right?" yes. now that i look back, that 8 months was indeed painful. so much work and stress. i know it sounds weird, but i am missing those time when everyone was busy and stressed and at the same time, we had so much fun, sweet moments to the extent that me, if given a chance, do not mind turning back time.
3 weeks ago, miss sarah started her study break, which then pretty much isolate her from all the entertainment and fun. anyway, it's quite impossible to get her to stuck in her room 24/7 right? and sooooooo there are a couple of things that keep her sanity. =D
1. We had farewell dinner at mission bay, followed by moven pick ice cream as dessert using our floor fund. The dinner was awesome though i think what makes the environment so enjoyable was actually the people attended the dinner. It was a night filled with fun and laughter! however, i can still feel slight sadness within us all. I sorta think that maybe we werent that happy and yet we laughed so hard to avoid thinking the fact that we're leaving apart soon? We have been through so much this year. 20++ people from different country,background and language came from different place different condition to intersect at this point, here this year, in ororke.

I teared a lil on my way back.
Yuko was gonna leave 2 days after that. She's my bestie here! so sweet and caring. so understanding and considerate. holding my notes ( yes i brought it there lol) i knew i would regret if i didnt spend more time with her before she leaves. despite my finals are very near, very close, very soon. AND so, a retard in arts like me, made her a card woo!! and printed her some of our photos.

2. After
yuko, it's
claire's turn to leave for christchurch. She's one of the very few kiwis on our floor. Yet, i know she never did look down on us. I remembered all of us, when we first met, lol, all of us are speaking english using our very own slang. LOL. it's funny how
Kristian pronounced J as Y, it's funny how I added la at the end of each sentence, it's funny how
David just laughed everytime he speaks to
Pau because he doesnt get what he's saying. After 8 months, everyone is calling
nigel as niyel,
david has adopted my 'la', we can all speak kiwi english (At least 80%) and we can understand each other so well. and
Claire was one of those who didnt mind repeating again and again to get her message through. I like her. her eyes her smile and her manners.
Everyone was once again, gloomed by this fact. SO! another farewell event for her, specially just for her. We went Domain for fireworks! she bought about hundred bucks of fireworks and off we went! I was so in dilemma because my fourth paper was like 2 days after that. That was in the midst of my stressful exam period! Oh man. I went anyway. AGAIN! I WOULD KILL MYSELF IF I DIDNT GO!
That was extremely incredibly with cream on top fun =) We ran we laughed we screamed and we took a hell lots of stupid photos. I still giggled to myself when i come to think about that night. It was long ago since i ever felt so free and running around and screaming and laughing so much that it hurts my stomach. I know, and i am very sure. I can never find such good floormates anymore. =((

3. I got a book from
yuko. Was so into it that i skipped having lunch in hall and stayed in my room instead to read it. I was quite disciplined though. 2 hours of study, 30 minutes of reading. The title's one child by torey hayden. It was such an inspiring book and it moved me so much. I finished reading it 2 days back and i cried so hard after that. I could not stop my tears, that was random. My friend was freaking out lol. I love it to bits! I actually consider reading it again. LOL.
4. I am a blessed kid. And i have been emphasizing this over and over. But hey it'd never be enough to put my feelings into words. It's always during the exam times that i recognized i have so many nice friends around me. God must have spent a lil more time on me huh? haha. I love it i love it. Life's never better. =D I am such a retard when it comes to exam. Got freaked out very often prior to the exam. Stupid. They supported me in their very own way. Thanks for texts/notes/cards/ hugz that u people offered me =)
5. next up is
Kristian. HE's leaving for Sweden for good very sooon! I do not want that day to come! He is such a darling to me. We got close like during april and we got closer and closer since then. This is a very platonic friendship okay. He understands me really well and we always share secrets LOL. Yes, being our very own MR.Ororke and King of the Ororke ball, i love his smile =) a very charming guy indeed. But trust me, I like him more than just his appearance. He's funny as. He's caring enough though. Came to my room like 5 minutes after i posted a shoutout in facebook saying that i was sad. Sooo sweeet can! Aww,ill miss you eh.

6. been hanging out a lot with
cheng yii and vivian lately. Those 2 kids are quite mature for their age.
8 li nai members! They remind me of you guys here. =) how can i not love my life here? the oni part missing here is my mom n dad. oh wellllllllllll, no time for homesick becuz why? i am going home in like.. umm.. lemme do the math okay.. umm 4 days?KAKAKAKAK. Sorry
yijia ;P study hard and i love you.
To be Continued..
*update: im home! =)
what say you?
Thursday, November 6, 2008
1+: unfair unfair!
12:01:00 AM
I came across this blog of a chws form 5 student, whom I don't really know actually hahahaha. Such a stalker I'm.
Gosh they have their graduation ceremony at TER (where issit actually?) with
robe and
cert in a pretty classy file somemore!
So jealous!!!We didn't have any grand graduation ceremony back in 2004 at all! It was only held in the small school hall with terribly poor air circulation. (T___T)
And with advanced photography technology, they got to take so much photos! I don't remember taking more than 10 photos last time! (T___T)
But they had to pay 50bucks for the ceremony anyway, which I'll definitely pay without much complaint because hey 50bucks for such valuable memories people! what's more to complain? well maybe I convert them back to oz dollars, it's only 20bucks <<
Eh? what's wrong with the currency rate of oz dollars, it's even less than 2.5 wth? This world is just so unfair hng!
However, looking at the familiar school badges on their uniform, the female blue pinafore which is not even close to stylish and forever the same ponytail, I'm missing my high school life already awwwww =3
ps: I saw ur bro in the photo, shyyi and zw! lol.
I kinda doubt that I should give the blog link here as I seriously don't know the blogger hmmm.
Ohya Obama won, people! Yea I'm a tad slow hehe so what. Actually I don't even know why I support him, maybe McCain is not as cute as him lalala =p
Labels: 1+, lalala-ish random
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