Saturday, January 24, 2009
1+: pas. ta. zan. mai.
12:05:00 AM
Hallowww *waves*
I've been back from KL for more than a week yet I didn't take the effort to blog about the trip. And because I took a
stupid nap from 7.30pm to 9pm just now I reckon I'll not sleep early anymore so uhhh what the heck why not spend this lonely (actually not so lonely because I'm so busy bullying my sister haha) night blogging.
But before that, special credit to all the lengcais and lengluis who hung out with me in kl! Especially
Jane, Shufen, Chui Shin and my beloved cousin who drove me around =)) love love!
Sorry Jane, I'll not blog about our
lovely meal in
Tenji because I must leave the
best for the last *roll eyes*
Instead, I'm gonna blog about another Japanese restaurant,
Pasta Zanmai! heh.
I know I'm quite outdated to only discover this restaurant now, mind you I only get to spend 25% of my 365 days in Malaysia, and even less in kl hah. You know what, I haven't even tried Sushi Zanmai before, slap me please!
Compared to Sushi King, Pasta Zanmai is a relatively small Japanese restaurant located at the ground floor of 1Utama, somewhere near Friday's and Yishion. The location is super not prominent okay we just happened to pass by and oh there's actually a japanese restaurant here and then we randomly walked in.
But the interior design of this restaurant is very comfy and stylish!
I love the individual nest (or semi?) circle seats which give the customers spacious but private corner to enjoy their meal.
view from the chair.
I don't really know why this photo is taken and posted don't ask so much okay!
As there were only two of us and my cousin has a stomach as tiny as an ant's, we only ordered two types of pasta and a dessert.
Speaking of my cousin, she always complained about how hungry she was when we were shopping but when we finally got us some food she would only took a few bites and threw the rest to me T___T but worry not, instead of gaining weight, I lost about 5kgs hahahahahaha I don't even know why! Told you oz air itself is fattening!
Okay sidetrack sidetrack! I was saying... each of us got to choose one type of pasta okay please don't distract me again.
So I chose
Teriyaki Chicken Onsen Wafu (Rm 19)It was alright but the amount of chicken given failed to fill my giant stomach at all. Oh it came with a soft boiled egg too, very tender and light melike! I don't understand the purpose of having a piece of leaf in the bowl though.
My cousin went for
Salmon Sashimi Ikura Wafu (Rm 23)This is the second yummiest japanese pasta ever! after the one I had in Japan of cause la right *smack head* The roes were humongous and the sashimi were fresh and thick omgomgomg. There's a few drops of pasta sauce just enough to fill the base of the bowl. It wasn't too strong that it covered the freshness of sashimi but nice enough to mix with the tasteless pasta.
In the end I ate the sashimi pasta more haha but I had to finish the teriyaki one too because my cousin said the restaurant was too cold that she couldn't consume much hahaha what the.
Oh and we had a jar of iced lemon tea too and trust me
this is the nicest iced lemon tea I've ever had! Although I was feeling ultra full that I might throw up anytime, I die die also wanna finish this lemon tea because it's so cooling and nice and sour sweet
(TvT) okay maybe I compare it to Yeo's lemon tea that's why.
Iced Lemon Tea (Rm 12)Sorry for the salah focus I didn't realise it until I transfered it to laptop.
The dessert we had was

Green Tea Macha macha Ice Cream (Rm 15)
It came with one scoop of rich green tea ice cream immersed in cream which isn't too annoyingly sweet, covering one table spoon of sweet red bean paste and corn flakes as the second layer and cincau as the bottom layer. Oh and a piece of waffle thingy.
Believe it or not, it feels like heaven when I put the first spoon onto my taste buds. Highly recommended!!! When my cousin said she was feeling very full (again) I IMMEDIATELY offered to help her to finish up the ice cream hahahaha I'm so helpful can!
It costed me Rm 79.35 for this wonderful lunch. Never feel regret because it's really worth the $$$! So much better than Tenji *eyes with anger*
Sometimes I wonder why won't the restaurant just include tax and service charge in the food price list as we'll have to pay anyway and this can give us a clearer view of the amount of money we're gonna spend.
Anyway I love Japanese food so much I can marry a Japanese guy errrrr I'm half kidding. I cannot comprehend people who don't eat sashimi just because they are raw full of worms and all that, Japanese has the longest lifespan okay you don't see them dying from having worms eating away their organs and brains. Wake up people! You're missing one of the best food in the world! Sigh.
The only time where wearing red does not signify lala but prosperity and happiness, and all of us get to gather around and have fun together! not to forget the red packets given by rich and generous relatives hahahaha.
Petronas CNY ad 2009
If you think you are too cool to realise the importance of CNY, watch this. I understand that not everyone is lucky to have caring and supportive family but a family is still a family, who bring us to this wonderful world by bearing excruciating pain without any complaints and raise us without asking for any repays.
Labels: 1+, bcoz sharing is caring., foodies, FuNfUnfuNFUnfUN, travel
what say you?
Thursday, January 22, 2009
祝 福 ;p
6:13:00 PM
suggested by miss teo to read this post here
HAHA. miss teo dared me to write a truthful post like suet here!!!
so after considering for a couple of nights.. hehe. maybe i should privatize this blog, do u mind miss teo? i realized i used to write diaries! and it's awesome and awful at the same time reading back what i had written in my diaries back when i was much younger. It's really nice though, to reminisce the good and bad old times ;p ;p
i had the urge to take up the habit of writing diary again the other day! but after 2 lines, my hand started feeling sore HAHA it's hols what do u expect!!! oh well, i ended up typing a so-called letter and saved it somewhere in my lappie. how lame is that...... =.="""
ps: the most perfect and beautiful memory is created depends on your level of denial. or it depends rather on the time you store and lock it somewhere in your mind..preferably when it's at its peak time.
I AM NOT EMO. pms is gone, even period is gone too ;p I really think so! *insert sincere medium-sized but eyelashes-less eyes* (yes that's mine babi)
have u ever had someone (i think most people with horoscope pisces have this ability) in ur life that makes u feel that u're so loved like they cant live without you?
HAHA, well i was lucky i met someone like that! and okay i am flattered i admit this everytime i think of those stuff he'd done. (nola, not talking about my ex anyway, my life is not just about himmmmm) HAHA we didnt get together and we lost contact instead cuz he moved to some other city. I MET HIM at kg.cina. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. i guess miss teo now knows who he is ;p (and she'll constantly mumbling geli geli geli)
my point is!! just because i didnt get together with him and lost contact with him, i would create any nice macho images of him or any sweeet mushy mushy memories that i wish a guy could give me. HAHA like u know in the drama, he's been waiting a lifetime to meet me again and poooooosh we fall in love instantly at that very moment we meet! then he is already the president of United States at the age of 29 and set up various companies which are all named after me! HAHAHAHAHAHA.
then err, i met him at kg.cina in front of ah tong noodle ( a very not romantic place to begin with) with another girl ( nvm nvm we
祝 福 ppl) with a very long and coloured hair ( we're not superficial type of person) and wearing a shirt written ' XXX bengkel' ( maybe he owns it and it's under my name tho it's not named after me) BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT he couldnt recognised me! T.T okay maybe i look better or worse now but if he really did likes me that much, he could have recognised my essence ba!!!! we walked past each other face to face and it took me 20 secs to recognize him..
HAHAHA so u see people, is it better not to meet again after so long? then i can live in my dream and flattered everytime i think about it.
my first truthful post! haha. i wanted to write about some other person but i tried to choose someone who's not in our circle of friends.. u know to avoid judgements,awkwardness, and unnecessary nasty comments.
cheeeeeeeeeeeeers people! I wanna go eat my ti kuihhhh =D CNY CNY CNY!!
what say you?
Sunday, January 18, 2009
1+: suddenly kt becomes so popular
10:15:00 AM
Just here to share a couple of photos taken yesterday, the last day we can feel the heat of by election.
proof that my beloved hometown is now
fugly decorated by
blue and
green flags and banners,

TADAAAA!!!!symbols of balance scale and moon (or ping pong some say) everywhere!
remember the "ultimate fake smiles which do not appear to be convincing at all and cliché slogans" from my previous post?
even bus stand is their victim! poor bus stand, you look so... umm eco-friendly now.
this is somewhere near my house, gosh this really freaks me out when I first saw it.
They even have banners for CNY!
i personally perfer this banner because anwar looks a tad handsome here *shy*
you know i always have this thing for older guys haha wtf i'm just kidding okay!
this is the center of kt city, under this serene blue sky lies intense heat of election.
and we DON'T live on trees okay ppl!
now that I'm feeling much better, allow me to tell you a joke hahahahaha.
Sarah: I'm not that kind of person who can take high risk job (such as business), that's why I choose doctor.
Sying: But if you become a doctor, your patients will face very high risk too!
hahahahahahahahaha agree?
oh i almost forgot to mention that PAS wins kt! I'm not sure whether I'm supposed to feel happy ornot though. Terrible corruption vs dress code in public? you choose.
Labels: 1+, bcoz sharing is caring.
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Wednesday, January 14, 2009
1+: 1+
10:35:00 PM
is finally back to her home sweet home again after having a week stay in kl,
with a burning throat that she feels pain even she's only trying to swallow her saliva and now she thinks she's having fever already T__T
isn't it funny that both of us actually get sick right after our kl trip? even when we didn't go together haha, blame the uber polluted air in kl.
i have so much to say, but now i'm just too weak and lazy for anything, including bathing! yar i'm dirty so what lala
the by election here has really given me a big surprise by changing this small town (wait KUALA TERENGGANU IS A CITY RIGHT?) into some sort of theme park with countless fugly colourful (well mostly blue and green) flags and banners filled with
cliché slogans and ultimate fake smiles, haivng the slightest hope that all these can gain them another vote le sigh.
(I even heard that free food and money $$$ are given out in town! Jeez I want $$$)
even though i'm freaking 21, i have to admit that i dunno much about politics, except the fact that there's this moron calling us chinese
immigrants in Malaysia, and never feel sorry for that. Being racist is the last thing we want in a politician, I think. Issit that hard to try to understand that we are all Malaysian?
gotta go drink the honey lemon drink my mom made, to soothe my throat and have an early sleep. Early sleep! when's the last time I slept before 12?
u know what, I can even hear noises from some speech by one of the parties nearby, it's a woman but gosh she's loud. Can u imagine, from my room? Haha my sister and I are playing some "guessing games" what's her speech about, i lost haha. I just hope that she can stop before 12.
muchos besos,
sick little girl (ME ME!)
Labels: 1+, lalala-ish random
what say you?
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Sarah: unique abnormality
11:58:00 PM

I wanted to post about all the gatherings and fun i had in KL! so fun and thrilling that i got so sick right after i touched down kt's airport.
anyway, all the coughing and vomiting are so worth it. I had the greatest time hanging out with friends and coussies. And i guess it's so related to the age we are in now. We're all 21, a lil bit more adventurous, a lil but more mature, a lil more thankful.. and yet we're still crazy and stupid and babiiiiiiiiiii like how we used to be. =DDD
loving u gals to bits!
Too many pics to upload. but actually u can all view it at facebook. yes the super kepo facebook! and please dont tag me if i dont look like a homo sapien in the pic!!!!!!!! *sweat*
or visit my cousin's
haha! but... i am starting to worry about this abnormality that i have been suffering from all these years. Not so much of a pain, but humiliation and disgust i got from my fellow friends "yer ting, y ur legs like that de? " "omg ting, ur legs.." "ohhhhhhh nooo, ting, what's wrong with ur leg" "sarahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,dont stand like that, GELI"

sigh. need to invent a cure for this!!
all in all, love my mates and coussie! and now im back in kt into my parent's arms. =D
loved =)

let the pics do the talkings cuz im very sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepy now ;P
nitez ppl,love.
what say you?