Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Sarah: says who old guy cant be cool and cute.
4:00:00 PM
OMG. i am going to oz tmrw! well before that i have to post something short to show papa n mama how healthy am i now =)
omg. i have to leave at 5 am.
okay. btw, i met this really cool uncle who happened to be shuey's uncle! and T.T instead of me showing them around, her uncle volunteered to drive us around auckland. WHY???????
because most of the places he mentioned worth visiting... i have never been there myself and worse, i have never even heard of those places before.
what a shame. aiya! busy studying ma ;p and no car to explore ;p and... okay, excuses!
BTW. the weather was crazy cold. crazy windy. and yet it's so sunny T.T mit and i are too gullible and hence the thin jackets. Ended up shivering like hell.

Umbrella to protect us from wind, not rain. =.="

one of the thousand photos that look like sh*t becuz of the wind T.T

The rainbow =) awwww.. but still, freeeeeeezing.

i dont know why. dont ask me.

Yipeeee! i like him! thanks uncle! and he called me 'siao ai' and he called wan mit 'siao choii' LOL

Ain~~~ auckland zoo~

Western Springs~~
Okay, we've been to many other places! but..this post is not about the attractions in auckie.So check out shuey's blog for awesome scenery photos.
wanna see something about me?
yes i am showing off so what.
See u guys 2 weeks later! 3 weeks if i get quarantined. CHOIIIII touch wood.
what say you?
Saturday, June 27, 2009
sarah: update! without pic hehe
5:17:00 AM
Ahhhh~ finally i have time and mood to blog since my last exam =D
yesss i am all free now, as you can see from my
msn status. hehe. always in
green (when watching drama or chatting) or
yellow ( when im out having fun~~)
I dont know how to describe my feeling now, but.. i .. am.. very..
okay let's see what have i done since last Friday ^^
Friday -
Cleaning! my room was a mess and my laundry piled up like a small hill. sheesh. but i have to study before that ma! ;p
Saturday -
Karaoke~ OMG! it's been ages since i last went. and omg omg omg. it's definitely totally absolutely FUN. with vian and albert and derek! They are vian's church friends and i dont really know them, but we had fun anywayy! i guess derek was traumatised cuz we're like singing and jumping and screaming while he sat still singing. LOL
- Went to this
friend's apartment and they bought sushiiiiiiiiiiiiii =) and the highlight of the day is
*** did facial for me ! ahhhhhhh~ so relaxing cannnnnn! and i am always too lazy to do it myself! gosh, i love going to their apartment! LOL
Church! Went to church happily and i think i used less than usual time to walk there cuz maybe i was half jumping half running. I just cant suppress how happy i am to get all the exams over and done with! Even the crying kid next to me looks so adorable, and i think i sang so loud that the kid sitting in front of me kept turning back to stare at me. haha! i am sorry kids, but i am very happy. you dont understand cuz you dont sit for exams~
Swimming in the morning plus sauna at ain's apartment! HAHA! omgggggg i love swimming. because that is the only sport that im relatively better at. T.T
AND the happiest thing is to have a
big lunch after swimming =D woah. trust me it feels really good! im confused now, i felt happy that day becuz i got to swim, or becuz the lunch was absolutely delicious.. hmm. most probably the lunch LOL
- My friend gave me '
House' and i have been watching it since then! it's nice!! i mean it's exciting and all, but yijia dislikes it. pfffffffffffffffft. I know it's slightly unrealistic but hey! it's so cool okay. I am so looking forward to being a doctor now. I will be like.. 'Treat yijia with clozapine. No you dont doubt me okay. and you go to her apartment and see if u can find anything. Dont call me if it's not urgent. Bye, i am going home now. '
woahhh, so cool right. hmmm.. wish i was that smart.
Tuesday- Watched
Terminator4 with cicak and his friend. OMG. I went there hoping to watch some funny movies like the proposal or the hangover.. But we ended up watching terminator4, i know this cicak very happy. T.T Ohh no no, dont get me wrong. It's pretty good. BUT i was so tired. I screamed so many times in the cinema cuz i got shocked everytime those geli terminators showed up! =.=" and cicak and his friend said they're worried about me cuz i looked so stressed during the movie. =p
Tennis in the morning~ with klynton and frank. AND HAHA i was so terribly bad that they actually stopped halfway to coach me how to hold the tennis racquet and how to swing it T.T
But they're really sweet =)
klynton kept assuring me and encouraging me. He said 'good' everytime i serve the ball over the net, and 'very good' if i hit any ball. LOL and he kept giving me chance to get the ball =)
Frank's a bit strict. He doesnt allow me to use both hands to hold the racquet! T.T But he's trying so hard to hit the ball gently to me. HAHA! and he taught me how to swing the racquet for a few times but his last line was ' i guess you should have a few lessons with my coach, Mike. He's really good at teaching basic stuff' SIGH. i was the president of tennis club lo.
MEMALUKAN. =.=" nevertheless, i think we all had fun!
LOTTO for BIG WEDNESDAY! so funny. Kev bought it and kept talking about it and we all got tempted to give it a try. So Klynton, dav and me actually bought one. HAHA. And at night we were supposed to check the result on TV at 8.15pm but.... HAHA. We were waiting in front of the tv at the living room. But it's not showed on the tv although it's already passed 8.15pm, so those guys went to check online and asked me to call out for them if it's showed on the tv. I..was..sitting on the couch reading the magazine ( the horoscope part ) and i was so into it that i forgot to check on the TV. LOL. So by the time those boys came out all they could see is the host saying " Big Wednesday, thank you for watching. See you next week"
HAHAHAHAHA. and they all got so SIEN. went to check online and kept scolding me LOL. Wellllllllll none of us won. T.T
Thursday- Woooot been resting the whole day in my room. Oh watched the movie called
'17 again' which Mr. Lee's been urging me to watch! HAHA. It's a nice movie and the friend of the main actor's soooo funny! HAHA. well yeah. one thing i have realized lately is to
appreciate what you have now instead of feeling regret about the past. =D
Sichuan steamboat buffet for dinner. OMG. I have been eating out a lot since last Friday but this one is really good! Taro balls *screamssssssssssssss and the desserts *screamsssssssssssssssssss and the prawnsporkchickenfishbeef *screamssssssssssssssssssssss
so yeah i ate so much T.T
- DENG DENG DENG. we watched
Transformers after dinner. Ahhhh such a heavenly night out =D It's hilarious! hahahaha! i love it =) and the 2 rows behind me are all malaysians! HAHA! although the couples sitting beside me were kinda noisy. the girl omg keep
'diving in' to the boy's chest. i cant find another word to describe this becuz this is what she did. omg =.=" and keep explaining in MANDARIN to her bf.
'哪 这是 Optimus...' '现在他们必须去找 SAM' etc etc.
halo, can i slap her ahh. =.=" But anyway i enjoyed the movie le hehe~
Friday- GOT A
HAIRCUT today! OMG OMG OMG. shorter and almost about my shoulder length but still not too short ba. i wanted it to be shorter but the hairdresser was reluctant! hahaha! so yeah. I quite like it though still getting used to it. She's trying to make me look cute omg. she helped to blow it a lil after cutting it to turn me into one of those kawaiiiii japanese girl. NO WAY! hahaha i came back n washed all the wax and spray away! now yeah it looks more like me.
Farewell dinner with bernie. So vian, cheng, lynn, bernie and me went to this korean restaurant for dinner. and Hey! it's one of the best dinner =) we sat and talked for almost 3 hours ^.^ it's really nice sitting there chatting about any random topics that we can! especially after examsssss =)
so yeah! it's Saturday today and im meeting ppl from Hamilton and Oz soon! =) woah i love holidays! ^.^ no pics hor! cuz i am lazy! and hor..
u're supposed to be lazy when you're having holidays okay!
what say you?
Monday, June 22, 2009
1+: can-be-rra
9:34:00 PM
hallo people I'm now in Canberra! Shuey's room to be precise but she's not here with us =(
she leaves her whole studio room for 3 of us and stays at her friend's place to study for finals. I feel so touched T__T sacrifices the warm cosy room for us when she needs it the most T__T shuey didn't I tell u how much I love u? =3
today's indeed a tiring day as the journey started with a 2am flight last night. VERY ungodly hours for traveling. I was sandwiched between the two ladies who slept soundly despite the very shaky and unstable flight AND the loud chit chat between the air stewardess (>.<). When thet plane touched down, they automatically woke up and gave me a satisfying smile "ahhh I've never had such deep sleep before!" babi la them.
reached adelaide at 6am =.= then we were stranded at the airport for 7hours before our next transit flight. We bought our breakfast and sat at the same cafe same chair until 12pm where my butt almost cracked ok i'm just kidding. Then another 1.5hours flight with loads of crying babies involved, ta-da! here we are!
canberra looks a bit gloomy to me. Almost every building came into sight is grey in colours. and brown. The fact that there's vapour coming out of my mouth everytime I speak or exhale deeply, amazes and excites me. Err not that we don't have it back in perth, but it usually only happens in morning, WHICH apparently has nothing to do with me coz i'll NEVER wake up early before 10 if not necessary hahahaha.
Yeam came to pick us up too! Everyone is busy preparing for exams but they still came to welcome us and help us to settle down T__T Why do I deserve such good friends? I bought them roc handmade candy, and then I saw there's one bottle of the same candy in shuey's room, covered with dust. WRONG CHOICE OF SOUVENIR, totally. Shuey u must eat okay! the cheeky monkey chai candy hahahaha.
suddenly I miss my own bed @.@ but i love this studio room a lot! so warm and cosy yet spacious! and now I'm hungry, so I shall go grab some bread (sarah's fav) and eat while watching hk series shuey have! hoho shuey u're the best!
okay i shall end this aburptly coz it sounds cool.. and random. haha wtf.
Labels: FuNfUnfuNFUnfUN, hilarioussie, travel
what say you?
Saturday, June 20, 2009
sarah:to the man that i love the most!
6:00:00 AM
From the day i was born in our family, i can so tell that i am blessed. And i am still very much convinced that you're the best father ever in this whole world.
Your big warm smile everytime you see me, coming from KL or Auckland, back to home. And your worried sad smile everytime you send me off to the other places. I know how much you love me, whenever i hear your voice, reminding me for a thousand times to be careful and to take care of myself. I know how much you feel heavy to let me go, whenever you ask me to come home ASAP or as often as i can.
You're not as hot as mom, and we don't talk on the phone as often too! But i still have this scene fresh in my mind, when you teared at the airport sending me off during my first year. I swear my heart melts everytime i think of this!
And this year, i have missed you even more. When i look at our family photos, when i receive a call from home, when i told my friends about how cute my dad is.. And coincidently you care for me even more this year too. I know you are missing me badly at home, wanting me to go home so baddddly.
Dad, i wanna go home. Like now, right now! I wanna see you and mama everyday. Even if i just hang around at the office doing nothing, but writing receipts for the customers. Even if i feel so bored and hot and sleeepy at the office. But i am always being treated as a princess with you around. You drove me to exactly where i wanted to go, you bought me my favourite food even if you dont like it, you never let me walk alone, in fact you never let me walk under the sun, and i know it's a bit unfair, but im always the last one to be blamed if anything bad happened. (sorry koko, but im the youngest, the only daughter in the family ok ;p)
For the past few days, you guys have been trying hard to persuade me to go home. I know you might think that i wanna go to melbourne so much becuz i do not want to miss the fun. Little did you know that at this moment now, i freaking hope that i hadnt bought the tix to melb. AFTER ALL THE HURDLES.
Anyway, i am going to melb now but i promise you here that i will take 100000x care about myself, for you! And i will enjoy it i assure you this too! I will show you alllll the photos okay? Oh, and we have the same smile, remember? ;) Dont bother checking flight tickets secretly! HAHA i know what are you on about. so... dont!
just few more months and i will go home. then ill stick with you again till you get sick of me. ill keep being happy and eat till you ask me to stop. ill keep fighting over the remote control till you use your 'i-am-your-dad-the-master-of-the-house' power. ill keep persuading you to buy whatever i want till you ask mama to stop me. ill keep stopping you from eating fatty oily stuff till you wish me having dinner with jia outside so you and mama can go have more durians and pisang goreng at home.
I am listening to this song, 'the best day' by taylor swift. It's written for her mom i think, but i am dedicating this song to you, and mummy =)
I know you were on my side even when I was wrong
And I love you for giving me your eyes
Staying back and watching me shine
And I didn’t know if you knew
So I’m takin’ this chance to say
I had the best day
With you, today
Thank you for making me the person i am today. I can not thank you enough for giving me the best life i could ever imagine. And you know, i have always loved you. And i love you, forever and always.
hugz hugz kisses kisses.
Sarah ;)
what say you?
Friday, June 19, 2009
sarah: to my bestest bestie.
5:39:00 PM
First of alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!
Happy belated birthday to
miss teo yijia!
okay i am not very good at words, i mean typing it here, and i am not good at fancy stuff like editting our photos nicely and post it up here.. but i just wanna let you know..
we've been through so much, more than anyone can ever imagine.
we're friends since primary school but that did not start on well. HAHA well.. somehow we became friends despite the ugly blue hair clip that you owns.
when we're at standard 5, you wrote me a 'breakup letter' and we stopped being friends. I still think that the reason you dislike me was becuz i was fat, but she said it's becuz i read her diary.. oh well... those were the days. LOL
Then you wrote me another 'reconciliation' letter and we reconciled. And at this time, we have 2 new gals joining us forming the 8 li nai group. =D this name is so cool i can never stop using it.
Then 4 of us actually get along quite well! Remember we used to go to your house for movie session after each exam? Then after few lessons learnt, we know that it's never a good decision to ask min to buy/rent the dvd. HAHA. but it's really fun. I remember we watched ju on, dark water etc etc. And we went out for steamboat/ttc/dvillage/yum char so often during form 5. now i am actually missing those time. TTC chicken wing is the best!
Then i went NS, and you gals made me tong yuan and banana cake during the visit hours. Awwww, i was so proud and showing off/ sharing the cake with the other 'inmates' haha!
Then we went to INTEC together. We were so happy at first cuz at least there were 2 of us in a completely new and strange place. Our friendship grew so strong and we had pillow talk most of the night =D and we had fun doing stupid things in the small hot dirty apartment. camwhore,took videos, watching tv, recording each other's ugly moments, crying and laughing together, took exams together at 5am and acted like we're the fear factor participants, celebrated ppl's bday and stuff.. ahhhhhhhhhh, alot more!!
it's never easy staying under one roof, let alone in the same room! we had fight and cold war. Didnt talk for almost 2 months. omgggggg. That's the worst time in INTEC.
i cant remember how we reconciled this time.. ahh, but we always reconcile after fight anyways =D
Then we came to different places to study. Aus and Nz. Not far from each other, but becuz of the time difference and my 'nerdy'ness. We can hardly talk. But girl, seriously, thanks for making the effort to always keep in touch with me! Maybe you didnt notice, or i had not told you before, i feel vey happy after talking phone/ skyping with you. Cuz i can be myself. like truly myselfffffff.
ERRRRR. not everytime though. Cuz we both have pms the same time, so we'd ended up quarreling again. BUT AGAIN..
Who cares if we quarrel, because in the end, we still reconcile =D and we can still be as good as ever!
and in fact, we're getting closer and closer. And i do have many things to tell you NOWWWW. And you're not online ! =(
Not to miss out this bit. You came all the way from Perth and we had a splendid time together. It was indeed a special feeling to have you here, in Auckland with me. And i am so glad that i was there when you needed me =) and im so glad that u made me try that stupid bungie ball thing with you. It's all worth it though, for you, for our friendship!
BTW, i hope you like this, gal.
Happy birthday. And i really hope, by the age of 80-90, we can still go yumchar and make anything up and laugh at our own lame jokes. Not because it's funny but because we have each other! =DDD
love you lots!
what say you?
Sunday, June 14, 2009
1+: weather the storm (pun totally intended)
2:58:00 AM
sitting comfortably in my warm cosy bed, with the ultra noisy fan heather on, makes me wonder
how can homeless people survive out there without any shelter?
I'm worried for 928374672 seconds, and now I shall go to bed.
oh sarah, u can't go to melbourne anymore? *adds 10kg of salts to her wound* i'm going to gold coast, adelaide and canberra yo! *add another 5.2938g of ajinomoto* don't worry I'll get u some souvenirs *spread last bits of sugar* xoxo
LOL if u REALLY want to experience and explore melbourne/oz, I can lend u my photos first to satisfy the cravings =p
come to perth
lah, then we'll force
vil to bring us to
adult shop for peep shows wooot!
what say you?
Friday, June 5, 2009
5:12:00 PM
i think i have tried enough to be good.
and i think you should be more understanding at times.
Just because i always go ' hahaha ' it doesn't mean i don't need a smile when i am not feeling good.
I am not emo. I am tired.
I do not understand why you can not understand.
Now my head hurts and my stomach cramps.
And you can not even give me a smile.
I am not Angel. I need what you need.
what say you?
1+: Preparations for finals
2:45:00 PM
Preparations for finals (during winter season):
- eruption of pimples (despite the fact that one is already too old to have any) - checked
- packets of snack on the table - checked
- emotional roller coaster - checked
- feeling fatigue all the time - checked
- recurrence of gastric pain - checked
- biochemistry overdose - checked
- daydream about exam aftermath - checked
- homesick - checked
- excessive facebooking - checked
- the urge to blog about nothing - checked
- exceed phone credits - checked
- go for random exercise (eg: swimming) - checked
- listen to the same emo song every 2 hour - checked
- alternate between no and excessive appetite - checked
- curse lecturers - checked
- check the time every 2 seconds and scream "ahhh not enough time liaooooo, die laaa" - checked
- crave for authentic malaysian food (eg: laksa terengganu!) - checked
- sleep too much - checked
- scolded random ppl in msn (I'm so sorry!! >.<) - checked

Labels: lalala-ish random, rants, stress, uni life
what say you?
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
1+: which Singh is kiasu? Singh-aporean.
12:36:00 AM
hoho this blog is so dead, so since my internet connection has finally resurrected from its gayness (actually it was us who exceeded the internet data quota), I shall write err.. anything I can think of before I hit the sack xD
study week has officially started, this is the already the 3rd day yet my study progress is slower than my internet =.= It took me ages to finish revising one set of lecture notes, I guess I have at least 50 of them T___T
And the thing is, reading them which contains pictures of disease symptoms gives me goosebumps, I'll start envisioning myself with ALL the horrible fugly symptoms, such as having more than 100 ulcers in my mouth I'M NOT KIDDING I REALLY HAVE THE PICTURE IN MY LECTURE NOTES. As I truly appreciate the word of wisdom "sharing is caring", I took a photo of it and mms-ed a few ppl here hoho how nice I'm.
Besides being a nerd, life has been great, with all the care and pampers I have hehe. Oh and my adidas shoes is found! I'm so happy to receive that news from my home sweet home, I don't need to waste 200bucks buying a new ugly pair of adidas here (yea they don't really have nice ones here how sad). WHICH MEANS 200bucks extra for shopping after finals! I'm so smart.
Last week, I had a nightmare so scary that I woke up in cold sweat, I dunno y I remember every detail of the dream vividly. It started with my dad and I in a room with a laptop on. In my dream, my dad was checking my exams result using the laptop and then criticizing me for my poor result. Suddenly, we heard loud noises from another room, we rushed there and saw my younger sister with a young boy on the bed.
I KNOW what you're thinking, but it's not! Haha, in my dream the boy is supposed to be my imaginary younger brother. Okay as I was saying, we rushed into the room and saw all the windows were widely open. It was night time I reckon because it was really dark outside. The strong wind blew the rain into the room and window curtain flying everywhere.
I looked at my sister, she looked like she just saw the most horrible thing in the world. She stared at the dark hollow space outside the window. Then she pointed at the window and started giggling. After a few secs, she turned around and looked right into my eyes, and gave me the widest scariest smile I have ever seen. And then she started having seizure (with the wide smile on her face).
I tried shutting the windows up but they were stuck. Then I went back to my sis and grabbed her hands.
And then I woke up.
This is the first time ever I feel so relieved for waking up early in the morning. I quickly texted someone about it because I believe in dream-wont-come-true thingy as long as you don't keep it to yourself? haha.
Okay to brighten up the atmosphere of this post, I'll end it with a few creative questions, taken from a forwarded email.
1. Which Singh like to drive around roundabout?PuSingh2. Which Singh is a ganster?SamSingh3. Which Singhs owns a three-star hotel?Sam Lap Singh (in canto)4. Which Singh went lost in the jungle?MisSingh5. Which Singh is noisy?BiSingh6. Which Singh likes herb?GinSinghHahaha, you know you love me. xoxo. (Just watched the last epi of season 2 Gossip Girl so.. yea you know.. you know you love me hahahaha okla bye)
Labels: lalala-ish random
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